Ελληνικά » Έρευνα


  • 2017-2018: Support to the Ministry of Health of Greece in developing the tools for conducting periodic user satisfaction surveys in public health care facilities”. Local Expert Group. Funded by World Health Organization (WHO)

The focus of the activity was twofold. Firstly, it was meant to provide support to the Ministry of Health in Greece in developing the questionnaires and, secondly, managers and service providers were provided with guidance in using them. The project was conducted with close collaboration between members of the Center for Health Services Management and Evaluation (CHESME), University of Athens and NIVEL (National Institute for Health Services Research, which is the national institute for health services research in the Netherlands. The questionnaires were developed to measure patient preferences and experiences with health care services. This study aimed in developing, validating and implementing - in three pilot locations - tailor-made questionnaires to assess the experiences and preferences of Greek people related to primary care, ambulatory specialist and outpatient hospital services.


  • 2013-2016 HEDIC: “Health Expenditure by Disease and Conditions”. It is a Eurostat project with nine participating countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuanian, Netherlands, and Sweden) with Inspection Generale de la Securite Sociale- IGSS of Luxembourg as Coordinator.

The scope of this project was to provide information on the burden of broad disease categories (based on ICD-10 e.g. Neoplasms, Cardiovascular diseases etc) by linking health expenditure data with patient characteristics (gender and age groups). It was in the frame of the new Eurostat concept “Public health statistics for monitoring EU health” which aimed to increase the use of official public health data at European Union level.


  • 2013-2014Impacts of the Crisis on access to health care services: country reports on Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia and Luxembourg’. Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (2013/0488/2993)

The aim of this project was to identify population groups that have experienced reduced access as a consequence of the crisis. It further aimed to describe the measures that selected health care providers have taken to maintain access to healthcare. The added value lies mainly in up-to-date case studies of how healthcare providers have responded to the crisis. In order to investigate the providers best practices, face to face interviews (with a semi structured questionnaire) were taken place and content analysis was implemented.


  • 2011-2015 “THALIS-EKPAThe detection, transcription, and analysis of inequalities to  healthcare access for immigrants living in Greece”. Co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning". 

The objectives of the project included:

a) Identification, record and analysis of any restrictions on the access and quality of health services for immigrants in Greece (demand side). For the purposes of the study a structured questionnaire was developed and tested in a pilot phase.

b) Review of the relevant EU policies and to present good practices of other EU Member States regarding the combat of health disparities. 

c) Submission of proposals towards improvement, adapted to the peculiarities of the Greek health system and to the actual health needs of the immigrants.

d) Empowerment and facilitation of the health care access and provision for migrants in Greece (supply side).

In more detail, in order to facilitate the access of immigrants to health services a web-page has been developed with all the necessary information material (health services, legal advice, financial issues etc) and a data base for info kiosks that are accessed by the migrants were posted in central, open accessed but protected places (e.g railway and metro stations) of Athens and Thessaloniki in a pilot base. Both web page and infokiosk data base provide in various languages all necessary information:


  • 2011-2013 “Study for the implementation of the OECD SHA 2010-1 and proposal for the regulation concerning the adoption and the implementation”. Co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and Greek National Funds. (Project Co-ordinator)

The System of Health Accounts (SHA) is the system that defines the direction of the health expenditures by health provider and by health care activities relying on the following three axes:

a) The financing of health services by financing agency (demand)

b) The direction of the funding on health expenditure by health provider and by health care activity (supply)

c) The financing of health providers by financing agency (consumption)

According to Eurostat Regulation, member countries are obliged to provide health expenditure data based on SHA system. The project was conducted in the frame of a Memorandum of Cooperation that was signed between the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Nursing Department), ELSTAT and the Ministry of Health. The first data series (2003-2011) and a Greek analytic methodological guidance produced by UoA, were published in April 2013.

The project is continued by ELSTAT:


  • 2015-2017 I-CARE (2015-1-EL01-KA202-014051). It was an international project with four participating countries (Greece via National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as Co-ordinator, France, Italy and Cyprus), funded by EU (Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships program) (Project Co-ordinator)

The aims of the project were:

a) to improve the knowledge and skills of informal carers regarding patient care (basic skills)

b) to improve the health and safety of their own self (care for the caregivers) and, as a result to increase the quality of the services provided to the patients

c) to improve the soft and ICT skills of formal and informal carers


  • AKESO II 2013-2015Procedures for the development, organization and evaluation of home care – Nurses’ training nurses on home care and palliative care in the community”. Co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and Greek National funds (Project Co-ordinator, Total budget of the project: €467.786)

Among the main aims of the project was to develop educational material and organize training packages of formal carers for the provision of Home Health Care Services. It was partly web-based distance learning program in which blended methods were used (180 hours).


  • “Health, access to health care and recession” DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities on Health Status, Health Care and Longterm care in the EU, Funded by European Commission Contract No. C/2008/932 Coordinator: London School of Economics (Country Expert) – 2011
  • “Informal care in Europe: a review of the evidence on policies and best practices” DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities on Health Status, Health Care and Longterm care in the EU, Funded by European Commission Contract No. C/2008/932 Coordinator: London School of Economics (Country Expert) - 2012
  • “Screening for the elderly” DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities on Health Status, Health Care and Longterm care in the EU, Funded by European Commission Contract No. C/2008/932 Coordinator: London School of Economics (Country Expert) - 2011
  • “The state of dementia services in Europe” DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities on Health Status, Health Care and Longterm care in the EU, Funded by European Commission Contract No. C/2008/932 Coordinator: London School of Economics (Country Expert) - 2011
  • “Specialist human resources for health in Europe” DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities on Health Status, Health Care and Longterm care in the EU, Funded by European Commission Contract No. C/2008/932 Coordinator: London School of Economics (Country Expert) - 2010
  • Hospital Data Project. Funded by European Union. Coordination: PRISMANT – Netherlands. - 2007-2008
  • EUGLOREH- European Global Report on Health, European Union. Coordination: Ministry of Health-Italy. Funded by European Union. - 2006-2009
  • European Community Health Indicators Monitoring, ECHIM. Funding: European Union. Coordination: SANCO (Country expert (Ref. number: 2004118). - 2003-2008
  • “The Health Care Cost and the Social Burden of Psoriasis in Greece”. Multicenter study funded by SERONO S.p.A Rome, Italy. Coordinator: Dermatological Department of University of L’ Aquila, Italy. - 2005
  • “Regional Innovation Strategy and Entrepreneurial Spin-offs (RIS)”. Funded by European Union. Co-ordinator: BIC OF ATTIKA. - 2004       
  • “Cost sharing in EU health care systems”. Funded by European Commission (Grant Agreement VS/2002/0342). Coordinator: London School of Economics Health and Social Care and European Observatory on Health Care Systems. - 2003
  • “Human Resources for Health Care Project: Geographic Imbalances, migration and remuneration of Human Resources for Health Care”. Co-ordinatior: Organization of Economic Coordination and Development (OECD). - 2002-2004
  • “Study of Cross-National Differences in the Treatment, Costs and Outcomes of Stroke”. Funded: US National Institute on Aging and Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. Co-ordinator: Organization for Economic Coordination and Development (OECD). - 2001-2000
  • Change of Work and Development of Key Qualifications”. Leonardo da Vinci Project “Health and Care”. Χρηματοδότηση: European Commission (Contract N. DK/98/2/05128/PI/II.1.1.b/CONT). Coordinator: Danish Confederation of Municipal Employees (DKK). 2001-1998
  • “Study of Cross-National Differences in the Treatment, Costs and Outcomes of Ischemic Heart Disease”. Funded: US National Institute on Aging and Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. Coordinator: Organization for Economic Coordination and Development (OECD). - 2000-1999
  • “Health Technology Assessment in Europe (HTA-EUROPE)”. Funded by: European Commission (DG V). - 1997
  • “EUR-ASSESS Coordination and Development of Health Care Technology Assessment in Europe”. Funded by: European Commission (DG XIII). - 1996


  • 2017-2018 “Introduction of Ixazomib for treating Multiple Myeloma Patients in Greece: Investigating Budget Impact on National Organization for Health Care Services Provision (EOPYY)”. Funded by TAKEDA Hellas.
  • 2017-2018 “The management and costs of Hodgkin lymphoma in Greece: investigating physicians’ value perception of innovation and mapping the local treatment pathway”. Funded by TAKEDA Hellas.
  • 2017-2018 “Εκπόνηση μελέτης για την εκτίμηση των οικονομικών συνεπειών για τον ΕΟΠΥΥ από την αποζημίωση του architect HCV AG”. Funded by ABBOT Hellas
  • 2015 – 2016 “The management and costs of multiple myeloma in Greece: mapping the local treatment pathway and associated resource use”. Funded by NOVARTIS HELLAS.
  • 2012-2014Investigating the economic results of a cost-sharing mechanism implementation in public primary health care settings”. Funding: Ministry of Health
  • “Implementation and evaluation of administrative interventions in a Greek public hospital in order to improve the outpatient disease management of patients with acute asthma attacks”. Funded by NOVARTIS HELLAS, 2014 – 2015
  • Mapping out the patient’s journey using critical pathways: the case of cancer and thalassemia patients in Greek public hospitals. Funded by NOVARTIS HELLAS (Project Co-ordinator) – 2013-2014
  • The cost of dementia in Greece”. Funded by NOVARTIS HELLAS. (Project Co-Ordinator) - 2012
  • “Assessing the efficiency from NHS Greek hospitals using DEA model”. Funded by NOVARTIS HELLAS. (Project Co-Ordinator) - 2012
  • “The accessibility of vulnerable groups to health services in Greece”. Funded by KEELPNO. Responsible for the coordination group - 2010-2011 (Project Co-Ordinator)
  • The cost and effectiveness of enriched with Epa + Gla enteral nutrition”. Funded by ABBOTT LABORATORIES. – 2010 (Project Co-Ordinator)
  • “Economic evaluation of chain reaction technique of reverse transcriptase-polymerase (AAAM-P) for 21 genes in women with early stage breast cancer with positive hormone-receptors and negative axillary lymph nodes”. Funded by GENEKOR. – 2009 (Project Co-Ordinator)
  • “The development of private health insurance in Greece the last 20 years.” Funded by Research Committee Secretariat of University of Athens. (Project Co-ordinator) – 2009.
  • “Preliminary Feasibility and Viability study for the establishment of a surgical rehabilitation clinic in Attica”. Private Funding – 2008 (Project Co-Ordinator)
  • Treatment of cardiovascular diseases, physicians' compliance with published European guidelines and factors influencing prescribing for cardiovascular in Cyprus.” Funded by Open University of Cyprus. - 2007-2009
  • “Conflict management in nursing and medical staff in hospitals of Cyprus.” Funded by Open University of Cyprus. - 2007-2008
  • “Feasibility and viability study for the establishment of a private clinic for spine diseases”. Private funding. - 2007
  • Feasibility and viability study for the private maternal hospital Rea in Syngrou Avenue Private funding. - 2006.
  • «Study for the performance measurement of the Greek health care system and the planning of the Greek Health Map». Funded by Ministry of Health. - 2005-2006 (Project Co-Ordinator)
  • «Hospital Efficiency Project- Performance Measurement of 11 hospitals of the 2nd Regional Health Care System of Attika». Funded by 2nd Regional Health System of Attika. – 2005 (Project Co-Ordinator)
  • «Patient Satisfaction from the General Hospital of Nikaia “Agios Panteleimon”». Funded by General Hospital of Nikaia. - 2004
  • «Study for the reform of the organizational structure of General Hospital of Samos». Funded by General Hospital of Samos. - 2004
  • «Feasibility study for the development of a Hemodialysis Unit in Lamia-Fthiotida». Funded by private sources. - 2004 
  • «Cost effectiveness study of treatment strategies for patient suffering Acute Myocardial Infraction in Greece». Funded by Boehringer Ingelheim.
  • «Feasibility study for the development of an Oncological Hospital in Attika». Funded by: ERASINIO ONCOLOGICAL HOSPITAL A.E
  • «The Cost Analysis for the introduction of CYPHER Sirolimus – eluting stent in Clinical Practice». Funded by: Johnson & Johnson Hellas AEBE. - 2002
  • «The pharmaceutical expenditure in Greece and the organizational structure of the operation of Greek pharmacies». Funded by: Hellenic Pharmacists Association. - 2001
  • «The economic burden of the Health Reform for the Primary Care in Greece». Funded by Ministry of Health - 2001.
  • Economic evaluation of obesity: Greek and international data. ROCHE HELLAS. 2000
  • Feasibility study for the development of a Rehabilitation Center in Greece. FILOKTITKIS AE, 1999
  • Feasibility Study for the Development of a Hospice for End-Stage Cancer Patients in Greece. Coordinator of the First Part of the study. ARC Foundation, Geneva, 1998.
  • Concerted Action Programme "DIAYLOS": Methodology of Development Research Programs of Health Technology. Coordinator for the Department. of Nursing. 1998.
  • Health Technology Assessment in Europe (HTA-EUROPE). European Commission - DG V. Collaborator in the country report for Greece: “GREECE: COUNTRY REPORT”.
  • Home Rehabilitation Treatment-Dialysis (HOMER-D). European Commission - DG XIII. Research Assistant (Conducting a cost-minimization analysis between In-Center and Home (HOMER-D) dialysis). - 1996
  • E.U., BIOMED-1, Concerted Action Program on the "Co-ordination and Development of Health Care Technology Assessment in Europe" (EUR-ASSESS). Collaboration in report: Technology Assessment and Coverage Policy: The Case of Invasive Cardiology Therapy in five European Countries. David Banta, Coordinator. - 1996
  • Pharmocoeconomic Evaluation of Cephalosporins. ROCHE HELLAS.